The Play That Goes Wrong - November 13 - November 15, 2020

Marathon High School


Wow – what a year! While I was mourning the loss of our spring musical, Oklahoma!, the thespians were researching and plotting how we would be able to put on a play this fall.  I’m so glad they found this great show that was only recently available to license, and that they were willing to wear masks so that we could rehearse and perform.  I’m not exaggerating when I say that laughing at rehearsals has given me a reason to drag myself out of bed in the mornings. 


I am grateful to many people who helped make this show a reality.  First, principal Wendy McPherson believed in our ability to rehearse safely and gave us permission to proceed.  For that, I am eternally grateful. Christina Gonzalez handled all of the purchase orders and financials.  Patti Bourcier printed the tickets.  Marathon Community Theatre loaned us costumes and props.


Drama parents Rick & Karen Bisson, Stephanie & Mike Horvat, and Jeff Tipsword built the set.  Sharon Helms, Zulma Jimenez, Leslie Ryder, Jessica Richard, and Jodi Gonzalez sold tickets.  Cami Hodinga and Leslie Ryder proofed the playbill and Sara Gonzales took the pictures.  Students past and present, including Claire McCarthy, Natalie Ehrig, Eddie Hannah, Ethan Quagliano, Autumn Tipsword (2016), Ariana Patterson (2018), Shannon Pitchford (2019), Emma Cooper, and Lilian Guo were ushers.


Like most students at MHS, drama kids are involved –in everything- clubs, sports, band, and after school jobs.  I am so proud of the entire ensemble, cast, understudies, and crew for the way they covered for each other so that we could rehearse when people had to be away. As I write this, I have just returned from set building, and my mind is on the amazing job the crew did hanging wallpaper!  I’m so proud of them learning a new skill.


Lastly, I thank my friend Michele Zofchak who introduced me and my students to her students’ favorite show – The Play That Goes Wrong off Broadway in 2019.  I hope everybody laughs as hard as we all did!!


Break a leg! Lots of love,


Ms. Cox

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