Finding Nemo Jr. - May 16 - May 18, 2024

St. Bernard Players

 Directors' Notes 

Have you ever felt a little discouraged? Maybe you faced tough times or others didn't fully appreciate your potential. Well, let me tell you about some lessons that Marlin learned from a blue tang named Dory and a sea turtle named Crush whose wisdom could impact all of us.


In "Finding Nemo," Dory reminds Marlin to "just keep swimming". No matter what challenges come our way, she encourages him to keep moving forward…even when things seem impossible.  Life can be tough, and it's easy to get overwhelmed by setbacks, but Dory's message is a powerful reminder that our dreams are worth fighting for, regardless of the obstacles surrounding us. Dory's determination encourages us to never give up.


Marlin also encountered Crush, a ‘young’ father and easy going turtle who tells Marlin to stop fighting and just “go with the flow”.  This translates to “put your trust in God who created you with a purpose and will be faithful to complete it”.  Sometimes we shoot our own mission down before it ever has a chance to get off the ground because we don’t believe in ourselves or the possibilities that lie ahead.  We only see the obstacles that might seem insurmountable.  God tells us to “go with His flow” and He will direct our paths. 


So, if you ever feel like your true potential is not fully recognized, remember Dory's wise words: Just keep swimming! If you face discouragement, hardship or any kind of woe, just remember to just keep swimming and to go with God’s flow.  Keep pushing forward, believing both in your Creator as well as the purpose He put into your life.


Embrace the challenges, stay resilient, and never lose sight of your dreams. You are capable of achieving amazing things, and your journey is unique to you. Don't let anyone or anything stop your spirit or discourage you from pursuing what you are capable of.


Believe in God, just keep swimming, and watch as you achieve God’s purpose for your life!


We pray that you enjoy the show!


Kristie & John Jung






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