Aladdin Jr. (New) - March 01 - March 02, 2024

West Bloomfield Middle School

 Who's Who 

  • Sophie Anderson (as Ensemble) head shot

    Sophie Anderson (as Ensemble)

    Sophe Anderson is 12 years old and is in the 7th grade. She enjoys musical theatre. Last year she was in Free to Be You and Me as a baseball player and a soloist. She enjoys acting, dancing,  and singing. She is very grateful to be in the show of Aladdin the musical. Sophie wants to thank her family, friends, and teachers for their love and support. Enjoy The Show!

  • Olivia Berman head shot

    Olivia Berman

    as Jasmine

    Olivia Berman is 14 years old and in the 8th grade. She has been doing Musical Theater for 8 years. Some of her favorite roles have been Peter Pan, Annie, and Little Red Riding Hood. Olivia also takes singing lessons, plays piano, and runs cross country. She would like to thank he family and friends for their support and most imporantly her directors.

  • Jatifah Benjamin (as Dance Ensemble) head shot

    Jatifah Benjamin (as Dance Ensemble)

    Jatifah Benjamin is an 8th grader at West Bloomfield Middle School and she is 13 years old. She was also in Free to Be You and Me. She like to play volleyball and she does cheerleading. She also likes art and writing. She would like to shoutout to her family for supporting her. She also wants to thank the rest of the cast for making this show awesome!

  • Kai Bilkey (as Ensemble) head shot

    Kai Bilkey (as Ensemble)

    Kai Bilkey is a 13 year old in the 8th grade. He has been in 'Free to be you and me' In the 6th grade and has worked his way up to now! kai enjoys swim, Theater, Writing, and talking with his friends. he would like to shout out his older sister Anna Bilkey for being a huge inspireation to him through out his life.

  • Anna Brener head shot

    Anna Brener

    as Rajah

    Anna Brener is in 8th grade and is 14 years old. She enjoys doing Musical Theatre since 6th grade.She was a solo and a actor in Free to Be You and Me and she played Bulda in Frozen.She also enjoys playing piano and singing.

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