13 Jr. -

Wheatland Middle School


This year's productioncombined the varied talents of about 30 students, a number of staff, and community members.  We would like to publicly thank the following for all of their support.


Mr. Donald Trost, Wheatland Middle School Principal

Mr. Luis Diaz and Dr. Karen Hess, Wheatland Middle School Assistant Principals

Mrs. April Anzules, Principal's Secretary

Mr. Michael Slechta

Mr. Keith Miles, School District of Lancaster Superintendent


The School District of Lancaster School Board

Mr. Brian Ngyun Community Relations Coordinator

Faculty and Staff of Wheatland Middle School

Wheatland Middle School PTO

Maya, Gabriella, Sophia and Jalen Coon for once again jumping in and helping out wherever and however they were needed!

Family members of all cast and crew - We could not do this without all of your support, understanding, and diligence!


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