The Addams Family - December 07 - December 17, 2023

Fiorello H. LaGuardia High School of Music & Art and Performing

 Optional Content 

Creative Team 


Director and Choreographer  Gaspare Capobianco-DiBlasi
Associate Choreographer  Kim Senisi
Music and Vocal Director  Jeanne Cascio
Conductor Dr. Christopher Koelzer
Asst. Conductor  Dr. Valentina Shohdy
Scenic Designer  Raffaele Castaldo
Costume Desginer  Amelia Dombrowski
Asst Costume Designer  Chloe Levy
Asso Costume Shop Manager  Elsa Bean
Costume Crafts  MacKenzy Zachary
Hair and Makeup  Earon Nealey
Asst. Hair and Makeup  Mattie Moore
Puppetry  Dede Kavanaugh
Lighting Designer  Elijah J. Schreiner
Techncial Director  C. Shea
Carpenters Michael Sutera
  Geoffrey Ashford 
Sound Designer  Nikki Belenski 
Audio Engineer  Nathanael Brown 
Asst. Audio Engineer Kaitlin Trust 
Sound Supervisor and Grand Poohbah G. Benjamin Swope

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