Act 1:
Scene 1: A Disco
Take Me to Heaven.........................Deloris, Tina, Michelle
Fabulous Baby................................Deloris, Tina, Michelle
Scene 2: An Alley
Scene 3: The Chase
Scene 4: Police Station
Scene 5: The Church – Queen of Angels, South Philly
The Perfect Place.......................................................Nuns
Here Within These Walls..........Mother Superior, Deloris, Nuns
Scene 6: The Church – dining hall
It’s Good to Be a Nun......................................Deloris, Nuns
Scene 7: The Church
Scene 8: Police Station
Scene 9: The Street
When I Find My Baby..........................Curtis, TJ, Pablo, Joey
Scene 10: Inside a Bar
Scene 11: The Church/Outside the Church
I Could Be That Guy............Eddie, Homeless People, Ensemble
Scene 12: The Church
Here Within These Walls Reprise......................Mother Superior
Scene 13: The Church – Music Room
Raise Your Voice..............Deloris, Mary Patrick, Mary Lazarus, Mary Robert, Nuns
Scene 14: The Church – Mass
Take Me to Heaven...........Deloris, Mary Patrick, Mary Lazarus, Mary Robert, Nuns